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Price: R1,090R3,590

TC Electronic Tailspin Vibrato Effects Pedal

Original price was: R1,499.00.Current price is: R1,095.00.

TC Electronic Tailspin Vibrato Effects Pedal

Original price was: R1,499.00.Current price is: R1,095.00.

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TC Electronic Tailspin Vibrato Effects Pedal


TAILSPIN VIBRATO delivers a truckload of stunningly-vintage vibrato tones in a stompbox that’s so affordable – it’ll make your head spin! Featuring an all-analog, bucket-brigade design, TAILSPIN VIBRATO provides everything from subtle wobbles, to pitch-bendy, warped-vinyl tones – and all the way up to ultra-smooth, fast or slow whirling-speaker organ sounds.

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TC Electronic Thunderstorm Flanger Vintage-Style Effects Pedal

Original price was: R1,499.00.Current price is: R1,090.00.

TC Electronic Thunderstorm Flanger Vintage-Style Effects Pedal

Original price was: R1,499.00.Current price is: R1,090.00.

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TC Electronic Thunderstorm Flanger Vintage-Style Effects Pedal

THUNDERSTORM FLANGER perfectly captures the classic analog flanger tones of yesteryear from subtle, tape-like sweeps and lush chorusing – to a no-holds barred flanger frenzy! Designed by guitarists around an all-analog, Bucket-Brigade Device (BBD), THUNDERSTORM FLANGER delivers the goods in an extremely affordable package – one that will elevate both your mood, and your music.


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TC Electronic Tube Pilot Overdrive Pedal

Original price was: R2,999.00.Current price is: R2,290.00.

TC Electronic Tube Pilot Overdrive Pedal

Original price was: R2,999.00.Current price is: R2,290.00.

Please Note: Free delivery in Gauteng for any orders over R1000.00 | Delivery Fee of R100.00 for any orders under R1000.00

12AX7-Equipped Real Tube Overdrive Pedal with Warm and Expressive Sound
TC Electronic Tube Pilot Overdrive Pedal

Nothing beats the classic 12AX7 vacuum tube when it comes to delivering soul-searching guitar tone; that’s why it’s a mainstay in musical instrument amplifier design. TUBE PILOT OVERDRIVE is highly maneuverable and powerful enough to satisfy any guitar ace with a burning need for tone. Equipped with a genuine, handpicked 12AX7, TUBE PILOT injects your sound with the organic, touch sensitive saturation of a vintage tube amp that dares you to push it over the edge.

•    12AX7 tube-powered overdrive
•    All-analog circuitry
•    True Bypass

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TC Electronic Vortex Mini Flanger Pedal

Original price was: R3,190.00.Current price is: R2,190.00.

TC Electronic Vortex Mini Flanger Pedal

Original price was: R3,190.00.Current price is: R2,190.00.

Please Note: Free delivery in Gauteng for any orders over R1000.00 | Delivery Fee of R100.00 for any orders under R1000.00

Ultra-Compact Flanger Pedal with Built-In TonePrint Technology
Fantastically Flangeable

Flanging has been with music throughout the ages – used on everything from vocals to drums, but a guitarist you might have heard of (Edward Van Halen) showed us the truly righteous place for flange is guitar! The TC Electronic Vortex Mini Flanger Pedal combines a classic tape flange with our awesome TonePrint technology, giving you access to everything from through-zero flanges to customized rockstar sounds!

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